Patreon--Hickory Hurst Farm

Patreon--Hickory Hurst Farm
If you’ve enjoyed our on-line workshops, YouTube channel, or Instagram posts on sowing seeds, creating wreaths, arranging flowers, and dividing perennials, then please consider supporting us by joining Patreon. Your support allows us to continue creating these clips so everyone can learn and benefit more about gardening. CLICK HERE to join Patreon
Patreon is a platform for members to support the arts, creative projects, small businesses, and other endeavours. When you support Hickory Hurst Farm on Patreon—depending on your membership level—you may receive early access to on-line sales, discounts, behind-the-scenes access to the farm, free flowers and wreaths, and other amenities in exchange (for your support). Your support also helps us to sustain a century-old farm and update its infrastructure.